



“There was an amazing presence of God during our team talks triggered by Vincent’s response to the need of staying connected to Jesus. 17 children then responded to the call of following Jesus.”

Kenny, Sports Camp Coach

"When in the hockey team and learning about sacrifice today, Ethan (aged 9) said that because Jesus gave up His life on the cross, he could sacrifice himself for his team."

Jessie, Camp Leader

“I did have some really cool conversations with some of the girls, in particular Anna, who at the start of the conversation thought that the idea of God was silly, but by the end and after dispelling a few myths of Christianity, they allowed me to pray for some situations in their lives!...amazing that they were so receptive and so I'm praying that God shows up for them as we know He can!!”

Jason, first-time Camp Volunteer

"After our team-talk, Gemma asked me “What is a Christian and how do you become one?” We then chatted for five minutes and because she said that she asked Jesus today to be her friend, she realised that she is now a Christian."

Grant, Camp Sports Coach

A leader we trained from the Democratic Republic of Congo started 6 Community Sports Teams in different parts of the DRC, having trained approximately 120 leaders. 1,200 people have been reached with 245 having come to Jesus in his first 9 months of running with the vision.

“Our CST has grown from an initial 31 people to 105 from 15 different churches. Using largely football, we have reached 5000 people with 105 committing to Christ and being bridged effectively to churches including my own church, that has added 21 new people to it since the CST formed.”

Chibuwru, Malawi

“Although we haven’t been going too long, our local CST has 8 core leaders trained from 4 different churches. Our main activity has been youth soccer events / tournaments regularly reaching 300 teenagers with 130 committing to Jesus! We have also launched 3 other CST's in 2 different provinces. Activities to date here have seen 800 people reached and 200 come to Jesus.”

John, Burundi

“The ministry is going well, we have trained 60 coaches who are now reaching out into three provinces with around 200 children in secondary school being impacted. I now have a football team of 22 players from it; we always meet on Saturday morning playing soccer, sharing the good news and 6 of them have already chosen to receive Jesus as Saviour.”

Justin, Burundi

“By God's grace we managed to give our God and Father a Christmas present of about 300 souls yesterday as we ran our end of year Football Bonanza in Chikwawa Prison. It was amazing to see hearts change with God’s great love."

Khetwayo, Malawi

“A young girl named Francine who was rejected by her family because she had stolen, heard about Jesus through our sports outreach and chose to follow Jesus. She has now completely changed her ways and is a part of our team, building bridges back to her family.”

Fiacre, Burundi